
11411943_10153467091329359_4003700754536533317_oI’m a second-year graduate student at the University of Florida studying public relations — but this isn’t the field of communications I began in. I entered my college career at Southern Illinois University Carbondale seeking a degree in news-editorial journalism. Like many journalism students, I honed my craft in the campus newsroom, serving as a reporter and desk editor for SIUC’s Daily Egyptian. I covered the administration as it dealt with a budget crisis, declining enrollment and the search for a new president.

This coverage led me directly into my first professional job as a reporter for the Journal Gazette Times-Courier in Mattoon, Illinois. At the JG-TC I had the chance to cover many of the same issues on the Eastern Illinois University beat. But as I spent time in the field, I realized I wanted to use my skills to help a specific organization tell their story. That’s why I decided to go back and get my master’s degree in public relations, allowing me to combine my writing skills with research skills to become a well-rounded practitioner. I also serve as a teaching assistant for Multimedia Writing, an undergraduate course in communications that gives undergrads a chance to learn about and practice different writing styles they’ll come across in their careers.

In the summer between my first and second years, I began work as the Earned Media Specialist at The Agency at UF, an on-campus integrated communications firm. In my role I’ve supervised media release production, researched influencers for targeted releases, and help create proposals for potential clients.

I’ve provided examples of my work, both professional and educational, on the blog. Thanks for stopping by!

Karsten Burgstahler

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